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"Slackware 14.2 brings many updates and enhancements, among which youll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available today: Xfce 4.12.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.14.21 (KDE 4.14.3 with kdelibs 4.14.21) a stable release of the 4.14.x series of the award-winning KDE desktop environment.
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you really have got the ISO file you wanted to download and not some broken version . 2016年4月18日 Slackware 是Slackware Linux, Inc的Patrick Volkerding制作的Linux发行版本。 Slackware 走了一条同其他的发行版本(Red Name, Last Modified, Size, Type. Parent Directory/, -, Directory. slackware-14.2- install-d1.iso, 2016-Jun-30 20:11:10, 665.0M, application/octet-stream.
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For one-off donations or if you do not wish to use Patreon, please Paypal an amount you feel is appropriate using this link or to Slackware 14.2 brings many updates and enhancements, among which you'll find two of the most advanced desktop environments available today: Xfce 4.12.1, a fast and lightweight but visually appealing and easy to use desktop environment, and KDE 4.14.21 (KDE 4.14.3 with kdelibs-4.14.21) a stable release of the 4.14.x series of the award- winning KDE desktop environment. 2021-02-16: NEW • Development Release: Slackware Linux 15.0 Alpha 1: Rate this project: We haven't had any Slackware news since the release of Slackware Linux 14.2 in July 2016. Today we are happy to report about an approaching release of version 15.0 of the world's oldest surviving Linux distribution as its "Current" development branch has now been declared "alpha 1": "Here we go again 12/3/2020 About SlackEX 14.2 64 bit Build 201112 (Enlightenment) and 201105 (Xfce4) Slackware is the first widely-used Linux system, which is still developing. Slackware has existed since 1993. In comparison with for example Ubuntu and Linux Mint, many people believe that Slackware is "difficult". Yep. Slackware 14.2 has been released today, July 1st of 2016.Don’t fall off your chairs.
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2013-11-04. 3.10.17. 14.0. 2012-09-28.
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Slackel 4.14.3 "KDE Live" 发布,Slackel Live KDE 4.14.3 包括最新的 Linux Kernel 3.18.11 和最新的 Slackware 分支。此版本提供 32 位和 64 位架构版本。ISO 镜像是 isohybrid。64 位 ISO 支持在 UEFI 系统启动,同时支持安全启动模式。32 位版本支持 i686 PAE SMP 和 i486,non-PAE 系统。 slackware 14.2 :GRUB from iso DVD does not boot (UEFI) Trying to boot from dvd on an HP notebook model hp 15 ba064nl. Disabled secure boot.
Slackel 4.14.3 "KDE Live" 发布,Slackel Live KDE 4.14.3 包括最新的 Linux Kernel 3.18.11 和最新的 Slackware 分支。此版本提供 32 位和 64 位架构版本。ISO 镜像是 isohybrid。64 位 ISO 支持在 UEFI 系统启动,同时支持安全启动模式。32 位版本支持 i686 PAE SMP 和 i486,non-PAE 系统。 slackware 14.2 :GRUB from iso DVD does not boot (UEFI) Trying to boot from dvd on an HP notebook model hp 15 ba064nl. Disabled secure boot. Starting the boot, it The latest happenings in Slackware development can be seen by looking at the ChangeLogs in the various distribution trees. For your bleeding edge enjoyment, we are providing the ChangeLogs for the -current development tree as well as the latest stable release on the web site. yes it is also designed to download/mirror and create an iso in whatever ver slack one wants. but that is in question if it can create a bootable iso current, then I do not see why that same process it uses to create a bootable iso would differ for just 14.2 NON current.
Name · Last modified · Size. [DIR], Parent Directory, -. [ ], slackware-14.2-install-d1.iso, 30-Jun-2016 17:11, 665M. [TXT], slackware-14.2-install-d1.iso.asc bt搜索下载神器,最新最全的BT搜索引擎,海量磁力种子信息库. 下载的人越多速度越快,赶快把本页面分享给好友一起下载吧^_^ [镜像] slackware-14.2-iso. It will prepare you for phase 5 – install Arch Linux the Arch Way. Download the ArcoLinuxD iso. Learn from At least i486DX CPU; 48MB RAM Packages from Slackonly i586 repository of Slackware 14.2 distribution.
Yep. Slackware 14.2 has been released today, July 1st of 2016.Don’t fall off your chairs. More than two and a half years have passed since the previous stable release 14.1 but the long wait was definitely worth it. 14/5/2006 What's new in Slackware 14.2: Runs the 4.4.14 version of the Linux kernel from ftp.kernel.org. The 4.4.x series is well-tested, offers good performance, and will be getting long term support from kernel.org. For people interested in running the latest Linux kernel, we've also put configuration files Jun 30, 2016 · Name Last modified Size Description Metadata; Parent Directory - slackware-14.2-install-d1.iso: 30-Jun-2016 23:11 : 665M Download iso-codes-3.67-arm-1.txz for Slackware 14.2 from Slackware repository. Slackware 14.2 x86 Install ISO disc 2 (D/K/L/T/TCL, source code) Slackware 14.2 x86 Install ISO disc 3 (X/XAP/XFCE, source code) Slackware 14.2 x86 Install ISO disc 4 (KDE, source code) Slackware 14.2 x86 ISO disc 5 (KDEI, source code) Slackware 14.2 x86 ISO disc 6 (source code) Slackware 14.2 x86 DVD ISO (Includes everything except for source 这是自14.2-rc1已近一个月,所以我们称这个Slackware 14.2候选版本2。 ”此.
This season we'll be able to show you behind the scenes of how the port is developed and maintained, and we'll cover the development of SlackwareAArch64 too! Remember to Like & Subscribe!:-) MoZes@slackware (Stuart Winter) 2、debian(下载地址) (1)debian-7.8.0-i386-DVD-1.iso (2)debian-7.8.0-i386-DVD-2.iso (3)debian-7.8.0-i386-DVD-3.iso (4)debian-7.8.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso 1、Oracle Linux(下载地址) 清单: (1)Oracle Linux Release 7 for x86_64 (64 Bit) 2、debian(下载地址) 清单: Parent Directory - slackware-1.01/ 24-Sep-2009 00:45 - slackware-1.1.2/ 07-Feb-2005 12:12 - slackware-2.0.0/ 21-Jul-1994 23:52 - slackware-2.0.1/ Linux操作系统各版本ISO镜像下载(包括oracle linux\redhat\centos\ubuntu\FreeBSD\archlinux\gentoo)百度云下载. 2019/4/25 20:35:24 人评论 次浏览 分类:学习教程 Aug 17, 2020 · How to install Slackware 14.2 from Live ISO to a HDD? Hi, I am trying to install Slackware from Live ISO to my HDD according to this article , but it doesn't seem to work because the program "setup2hd" is not found as it's shown at the attached screenshot. 1、Oracle Linux(下载地址)(1)OracleLinux-Release6-Update0-x86_64-dvd.iso(2)OracleLinux-Release6-Update1-x86_64-dvd.iso(3)OracleLinux-Release6 Linux操作系统各版本ISO镜像下载(包括oracle linux\redhat\centos\ubuntu\debian等) 2015年2月25日 (下午7:49) # Slackware安装及配置usb启动盘制作下载slackware64-14.2-install-dvd.iso安装镜像, 通过dd if=./slackware64-14.2-install-dvd.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=4M安装使用usb启动后,root用户登录(没有密码)。使用fdisk格式 Slackel 7.2 Openbox已经发布。它包括Linux kernel 4.19.59以及Slackware的'Current'树的最新更新。新版本提供64位和32位版本。64位ISO映像支持在UEFI系统上启动。ISO映像是'isohybrid',可以用作安装介质。 Slackel is a Linux distribution based on Slackware and Salix. It is fully compatible with Slackware and Salix but the difference is that it includes the current version of Slackware. So Slackware users can benefit from Slackel repositories. It is available in three editions, KDE, Openbox and MATE.
Mar 12, 2021 · Slackel is a Linux distribution based on Slackware and Salix. It is fully compatible with Slackware and Salix but the difference is that it includes the current version of Slackware. So Slackware users can benefit from Slackel repositories. It is available in three editions, KDE, Openbox and MATE. Slackel 4.14.3 "KDE Live" 发布,Slackel Live KDE 4.14.3 包括最新的 Linux Kernel 3.18.11 和最新的 Slackware 分支。此版本提供 32 位和 64 位架构版本。ISO 镜像是 isohybrid。64 位 ISO 支持在 UEFI 系统启动,同时支持安全启动模式。32 位版本支持 i686 PAE SMP 和 i486,non-PAE 系统。 slackware 14.2 :GRUB from iso DVD does not boot (UEFI) Trying to boot from dvd on an HP notebook model hp 15 ba064nl.
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