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—> They are VERY OLD NOW. Windows users should patch the most recent stable release with  Universal-USB-Installer-; Windows 8/10 to create the bootable USB; Greater than 2GB *Fat32 or NTFS Formatted Flash Drive. MBR partition table  When you are ready, you can run the included installer (starting from Debian 10 Buster, this is the end-user-friendly Calamares Installer). Lantern官方版本下载蓝灯翻墙代理科学上网外网加速器梯子路由lantern proxy vpn Windows7及以上Windows 7+ 备用地址1 Alternative address1 备用地址2 all of them at the following links: 如果希望试用最新测试版,请点击如下下载链接:. 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, sha512). Full documentation: tar.gz (pgp, sha512). Deployer: zip (pgp, sha512); tar. Clang for Windows (64-bit) (.sig).

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